Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mid-life Crisis!

So recently have been experiencing a mid-life crisis and for all you math whizzes out there, Yes apparently I am assuming a life expectancy of 58. I have all the symptoms of a mid-life crisis:

1. Buying a fancy, yet sportier car...2. Fulfilling my childhood fantasy by taking a flamenco dance class...3. Fulfilling my rockstar destiny by taking guitar lessons...
(future me)

4. Finding my inner chi by taking Tai Chi...
5. New hot young boyfriend... (ok not really but I think that is naturally next on my list;)

All of these things I decided to do in anticipation of being bored once I finished my Master's Degree. So have I finished said Master's Degree? Oops. Not yet and now I can't find the time to do it (wink, wink). Ok really I just have one chapter left on my capstone project and I have until the end of November to do it. But in the words of Rihanna "So live your life, ay ay ay. Instead of chasing that paper." Because really... what paper?
F.Y.I.~In hip-hop lingo "paper" means money.


Sara J Low said...

Yes, I want to be the first to comment! YOU'RE MY HERO!!! You are doing all the awesome stuff that people just "talk" about doing! I love the new car, (love the shoes, despite what Tom thinks), love the Chi, love the hair (guitarist), and I love that your chasing the life not the paper! You're truly my inspiration! (AND, I'm not just saying that because that's what you should say on a blog. It's true I read a book on blog etiquette once, never give cliche responses.)

Mrs. J said...

I have dreams of someday when I grow up that I will be you.......However you may not become a Jetta gypsy and quit your job to travel the world. To that I will protest very loudly (and slash your tires) because work would be a very sad lonely place.

It"s me said...

I JUST LOVE IT! I really like the seat warmers!

Celeste M. Amazing said...

Your definitely moving up in the world.
Can I buy your accord from you?

Anonymous said...

For a poor girl you sure have fancy stuff!!


Jana and BJ said...

Isn't life wonderful! I'm glad you got your new car and that you are having so much fun! It makes me curious to see what is going to happen when you really finish your masters! Spain? Traveling the country playing your guitar with the case open for tips? (Jake did that once to see how much he could get.)

Anonymous said...

I keep hope'n for a picture of your halloween git up!! Post Post Post!!

Valery G. said...

I love your new car!!! It's beautiful!!! Enjoy this crisis...looks like you are becoming a better you. Sign me up with dance lessons from you;o)

Anonymous said...

Hey Alina! Love the car! Did you get it because you totaled your last one?! hahahaha Glad to see you doing so well and living life!

Your New Mexico Friend,