Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Extreme Merriment!

Last weekend our ward went on a Winter Retreat up Milcreek Canyon at Camp Tracy, which is in fact a scout camp. This camp offered little log cabins for our sleeping pleasure, a rather large and fancy lodge for hanging out and a killer hill for tubing. Mandy, Lesli, Larissa and I drove up together. Apparently we were a little "early" (it was 6:30 and they said to be there by 6:00, you know how it is!) so a few of us went to check out this killer hill. It didn't look too bad but there were swarms of 8-10 year old boys (scout camp remember). We didn't (at this time) have our own tubes so I asked one of the boys if we could ride on one of theirs and he said he didn't know while all the others started screaming, "Noo, they are girls!" So needless to say we had to wait for Matt, keeper of the tubes, to accompany us. It was extreme merriment in every sense of the word. Even if it gave me heart palpitations every time!
Larissa and I found out that if we rode together, going face first, we were a lot faster. YIKES!
Here we are roasting peeps over an open fire!

Shout out: This is a shout out to Matt and his killer Team Building activities. Even though harsh words were said (from both sides) I still think your games were the best. I loved every minute of them!

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