Friday, March 28, 2008

"Like this White People"

Recently, whilst again not working on my capstone project, I stumbled upon a blog dedicated to "Stuff White People Like". They had an official list of 92 things that "White People Like". While reading through this list I found myself saying, "yes, yes again, yes also" to several items. I thought it would be funny to post some of those items here in no particular order:
-Dinner parties
-San Francisco
-Bottles of Water
-Multilingual Children
-Apple products
-Arrested Development
-Breakfast places
-80's night
-Being an expert on YOUR culture
-Farmer's Markets
-The Colbert Report

Then again there were things I DO NOT like from said list:
-GRADUATE SCHOOL!!! (That is my number 1)
-Co-ed sports
-Not having a T.V.

Some things I thought were just funny and reminded me of other people (you know who you are):
-Standing still at concerts
-Oscar parties
-Knowing what is best for poor people
-Musical comedies

Now if you want to see how "white" you are you can check out this list for yourself!

P.S. As a side note I wanted to add this quote from the SWPL blog in reference to Arrested Development:
Even though most white people prefer to say that they don’t watch television, one thing they agree on is that Arrested Development was the best show on TV. They love it so much! If you are ever at a white person’s house, and you see an orange box in their DVD collection, you should say “oh, you have Arrested Development, I love that show!” To which you will be offered a glass of wine, and perhaps an invitation to 80s night.



Celeste M. Amazing said...

ha ha .. very funny.
But how can you agree, your only half white?

Pablo said...

I guess that is why I only agreed with 14 out of the 92 items!

Mandalynn said...

This white person loves dinner parties, Juno, Arrested Development (and wine), 80s night, traveling, and The Colbert Report. I even liked Grad School. And of course, Oscar parties, but my favorite would have to be "Knowing what is best for poor people." That's why I work in the ghetto. We also like blogs (about other white people).

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Smartphone, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Clark said...

I recently had a rude awakening that caused me to realize more than ever that I am a very typical white person. I guess I could consider myself a "black-wanna-be."