Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"A Rude Awakening"

So recently some fellow teachers (Kyla, Raimee) and I decided to form a bike club. Every Wednesday we bring our bikes to school and ride up towards the copper mines after school. We decided that we should train for a specific event so we signed up to do a 50 mile bike ride in Rosarito, Mexico. We even have a team name... T.O.W. "Teachers on Wheels".

Well as the date approaches we have been getting more and more nervous. To help ease our nerves we thought we could do a trial bike ride and ride the Heber Century. Now for all of you who don't know, century = 100 miles but there was also a 25 mile option, which was our initial plan. Well for some suicidal reason we thought 25 miles sounded wimpy so instead we took the 50 mile option.

This event went down last Saturday and I have lived to tell the tale so that is good news. It was rather intense I won't downplay it. Raimee's husband took us up to Heber and was our unofficial pit crew. He tried to prep us for the ride up there but I think he thought we were crazy and said we were in for a rude awakening and rude awakening it was. This was in no way a "warm up" ride. If anything this ride was the great achievement and Mexico will seem like a joy ride. Here is my evidence:
*Exhibit one: the elevation... Heber 5500-6500 ft., Rosarito 700 ft.
*Exhibit two: weather... Heber- rainy and windy, Rosarito- sunny.
*Exhibit three: setting... Heber- mountains, Rosarito- beaches.

Well after a week of recovery we are off to Mexico so... stay tuned... and pictures will follow.


Anonymous said...

Rude awakening it was! I am still cleaning bugs out of my teeth and ears!

Clark said...

I kinda like the name of the club. TOW. You should attach either end of a rope to your bikes and a truck. Easier and it goes with the club name. :)

Camie said...

You are so cool!